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AllstarGaming617 OP t1_jdedp6w wrote

That’s the most frustrating thing, Im an excellent driver! And I know every single state traffic law better than any course instructor. I am the production manager of major touring band and in the first 5-7 years of the bands major explosion I spent 9 months a year on the road driving a van-towing a trailer and even drove the tour bus on our first dozen tour bus runs. I’ve seen every inch of every major highway on the entire continent(US/Mexico/Canada) several times. I estimate I’ve driven over 1 million miles in the last 18 years and that ticket in 2008 is my only legitimate traffic violation lol. It’s nuts!


trimolius t1_jdeed7p wrote

It’s crazy, you’re absolutely getting screwed, I hope you’re able to find a resolution!!