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warlocc_ t1_jdwrh99 wrote


Honest question. What's the benefit in today's world?


TurnsOutImAScientist t1_jdwx6jr wrote

Pretty much a tradeoff between health/safety benefits for people active in early morning versus health/economic benefits from having more daylight after normal work hours. The two sides will never agree and thus the stalemate we're stuck with. But generally the pro-DST side is winning and has gained ground, we have like a month more DST than we did when I was a kid.


Current-Photo2857 t1_jdx2bd1 wrote

The benefit under the current method of biannually changing the clock is that we don’t have 8:30 sunrises in the winter (this is good, it’s proven we need daylight to fully awaken) but can also have 9:00 sunsets in the summer (this is unnecessary and actual bad for your health, it tricks your body into staying up later).

Most sleep experts agree that we should be in year-round standard time, and there was a bill proposed called the “Save Our Sleep Act” that would have done this.


freakydeku t1_jdzakxj wrote

i don’t understand why we don’t just…work later in the day? lol


Current-Photo2857 t1_je1txmv wrote

For the same reason people want permanent DST…because if you start work earlier in the day, then you finish earlier and that’s more of the day(light) left for you to do whatever you want.


ebow77 t1_jdxs5zt wrote

Personally I like having the sun rise before 8:00 a.m. in the winter, and stay up until 8:00 p.m. or later in the summer. Yeah the time change is mildly annoying and disruptive, but to me it's worth it.