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BikerHikerHorse t1_jd8g77y wrote

You know, I hate that real estate agents successfully branded themselves away from what they truly are, real estate salespeople. I think we often forget that they're basically glorified used car salesmen and should be hated as much as those lemon fuckers.


friz_CHAMP t1_jdaj1i4 wrote

Well who would buy a listing if it read life this:

"Located in fabulous Braintree, this 1952 Cape was set on fire by a faulty dryer in the basement that burnt through the roof. Knob and tube wiring is throughout the house along with the original fusebox that all need upgrading. Possibly asbestos throughout the basement that need remediation as well. Previous homeowners use this as a rental after their parents died in the 1990s and nothing had been updated (hence the avocado colored dryer catching fire). Bring your wallet and/or contractor skills cause you've got a project that will occupy all your free time."