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DMoney1133 t1_jd8i52b wrote

Remember to cut out your $5/day coffee purchase and then you can save up for this gem.

That's only 60,000 days to save up!

What do you mean you don't want to wait 164 years? Well then only save up for a 20% down payment.

That's still almost 33 years at 5 dollars a day.

Totally achievable /s


mehkindaok t1_jdarvho wrote

To be fair that $5 $7 (plus tip) daily artisanal cruelty-fee coffee typically comes with daily $20 (plus tip) sweetgreen and daily $40 (plus tip) door dash along with $120 (plus tip) weekend outings with $40 (plus tip) Uber rides two-three times a week…
