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anythingbut2020 t1_jd99rsw wrote

This. Look west of 495 and it’s a fucking house bonanza. Just bought a 2,800sqft home for under 500k


AceCups1 t1_jd9jwjt wrote

But then I'd have to live west of 495.


anythingbut2020 t1_jd9p55h wrote

It’s a dream for some! So much land and nature and QUIET. if you work remotely, it’s great.


abhikavi t1_jd9eonc wrote

I didn't realize.... I saw a disaster of a house (had a urinal, not all the drywall had been finished, etc) listed in Shirley for $600k a year or so ago. Mind, I don't know if it sold for that, or if the seller was overly optimistic, but I remember it because fucking Shirley? And $600k wouldn't even get you completed drywall everywhere?


philippos_ii t1_jdal3rm wrote

Eh more like west of Worcester. I’m right outside 495 and it’s still a hellscape wherever I look. Can’t go too far west either, I mean… family and work and all the rest aren’t there, I may as well move across the country if I go far enough.