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humanzee70 t1_jcwxmvr wrote

They make $190,000, bro. In Florida.


[deleted] t1_jcxu5x5 wrote

And no jobs lined up in Massachusetts. He's a social worker running a government program there's less than 0% chance he'll do that well if he leaves that position. Also the wife is a principal but wants to get into teaching which do you think pays better. Average teacher salary in mass is 60K dramatically less than half of 190. Sure there doing alright now but they don't have anything lined up


GolfingDad81 OP t1_jcy0aeu wrote

So my share of the family income is 75k. Is that unreasonable for a public sector salary in Massachusetts? Florida is one of the lowest paying states for public employment so I figured I would make more up there.

And my wife is wanting to break into secondary education if that makes a difference. She isn't looking to be a 4th grade teacher (not that there's anything wrong with that). But she isn't opposed to adjunct work while finding a job in administration. She's a principal now but she's also an adjunct professor who teaches two classes a year in local university's school leadership track. She just really enjoys adults and wants to shift focus.

We wouldn't be moving up without jobs identified. We have some money saved up but it's definitely not "move out of state and hope to find ourselves" money. Schools are starting to hire for their fall semesters which is why we're trying to identify a plan now. Realistically the earliest we could move is July or August.


DangerPotatoBogWitch t1_jcy5fzm wrote

Your wife could make bank as a K-12 administrator if she gets her license, and many districts are always looking. Higher Ed is pretty hard to break into; schools really like to hire people who have been following a straight line in higher education. (We’ve had to leave the five college area because of lack of jobs, and we’re not teachers, we’re support staff).


LetterheadNervous555 t1_jcy3906 wrote

Idk much about the public sector but I’m sure you and your wife can find jobs that pay around 200k here with those quals.


Mass_Hole t1_jczab8k wrote

My friend is a 6th grade art teacher at my daughters school. She makes 89.5k. Just have to find the right town. She basically plays with paste