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Ready-Interview-9809 t1_jdwi5f1 wrote



MrC-Diddy t1_jdwih1y wrote

I second this. if you don't mind working over 40 plus hours per week, you will be hired on the spot. federal benefits for what it's worth


Boston1_ t1_je08yjy wrote

Crazily enough I tried to get a job with the USPS and they wouldn’t offer me 40 hours or benefits for a few years…


MrC-Diddy t1_je09mdf wrote

things have certainly changed since COVID. before there was quite a wait to receive the benefits etc. they aren't even drug screening at the moment... benefits right when you start. things have got a little desperate, pretty short staffed


Boston1_ t1_je0a85j wrote

Oh wow yeah I had applied right at the start of Covid when I lost my “real” job.