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nromdotcom t1_jbv47ks wrote

Here in north central ma we've had our fair bit of snow this winter - less than usual, but not nothing. Though maybe further south has seen even less.


IwannaGoFast427 t1_jbviqvl wrote

Yeah im on the Cape and I havent had to use the snow shovel but once just to clear the deck which was 3 inches at most. I dont remember a winter with so little snow in a very long time if ever.


95blackz26 t1_jbv7bsr wrote

I'm at the part of mass near i84. The town I live in 20ish min away from that gets a lot more snow than the town I work in near the ma/ct border. Whatever dropped was mostly gone in a few days


EasyTune1196 t1_jbw0k8n wrote

I live in the MA/CT border and we have had nothing. Went to my in laws in Holden today and the yards are covered in snow