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RevengencerAlf t1_jc0mkbg wrote

Legally a company in MA can tell a prospective employer looking for a reference as much or as little as they want about your employment history. They can say you were good, they can say you were bad. They can confirm if you quit, if you were fired for cause, if you were laid off. They can confirm if you gave what they deem to be appropriate notice or not and they can comment on your work quality. The only things they can't disclose are things that would otherwise be protected (for example health status that may conflict with HIPPA or other privacy laws since they're a benefits provider).

Now that said, most companies won't shit on you to a future employer asking for a reference unless you left a trail of smoldering ashes in your wake. They don't want to deal with that. What they will do however is simply confirm your dates of employment and make a point not to say anything at all beyond that, which depending on how they do it can easily be used to send the message that you left on bad terms. It's not really their problem anymore but some reading between the lines can happen.

Now THAT said, it's also worth noting that most companies I've ever worked for don't really care unless you have a notable gap in your resume. They're often just background checking to make sure your resume is accurate and are leaving that kind of feedback up to personal references.


swatlord t1_jc2870e wrote

IANAL, but this is my understanding. Too many people think there's some law that prevents employers from saying anything negative about an employee (justified or not). The only recourse someone has is a civil suit where they have to prove some sort of slander (hard to do, as I understand).