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the_blue_arrow_ t1_jc1supx wrote

If you're looking for a good day trip, visit the museum at the dam in Belchertown and on your way home buy a few books at the new salem country store up on 202.


Hoosac_Love OP t1_jc1szck wrote

The NS general store has great ice cream!!


milk_milk_milk t1_jc6bsdk wrote

And sandwiches!


Hoosac_Love OP t1_jc6dfjk wrote

Yea ,although I never tried ,always got the ice cream ,should have tried the sandwiches

Is the NS general store still open ,have not driven by in some time ?


milk_milk_milk t1_jc6dlcz wrote

Yes! I try to go a few times a year. Will try the ice cream next time


Hoosac_Love OP t1_jc6dt3b wrote

Oh ok gotcha I'm in the Berkshires,I left the valley in 04' I used to drive 202 all the time to get booze on Sundays in Athol I liked hiking the Quabbin to along with Wendell state forest