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InspectorFun1699 OP t1_jdd01f2 wrote

Thank you for responding and for your insight. The cost seems to be the biggest adjustment we'll need to make. The public schools here are...let's just say we have seen some stuff


waffles2go2 t1_jdfbnmh wrote

I've been through every state in this country several times and MA is fantastic for me - not perfect but the best mix I know of and (prices aside) heading in the right direction.


InspectorFun1699 OP t1_jdh7nmu wrote

Good to know! The COL is making my palms sweat but gotta remind myself that living in a low COL area now has gotten us a great house, disposable income, less financial stress BUT ALSO…regressive policies, few environmental regulations, surrounded by trumpers and bible thumpers (if you’re religious, fine, but it’s very evangelical and hardcore here) prayer in public schools, so much open bigotry, lots of open animal abuse, surrounded by “if you don’t like it, leave!” Attitude, no social safety nets at all. That stuff really wears me out.