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dazzlingupstairz OP t1_jdbd6hr wrote

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Video of the a cop and some social workers showing up at 1:00 AM on a Saturday.. Then playing stupid and saying they can't do anything until Monday. Frankly, if you're doing this stuff, a judge needs to be available 24/7 365. An adult can spend 2 days in county jail without it being completely traumatic, but with kids? And to make it so obvious you're trying to avoid having to get a court order?

DCF is just saying whatever they want, no records, no nothing? And the cop says "welp, DCF verbalized it". This seems insane. People win lawsuits for unlawful searches all of the time, but the state can take your kids with no due process on the flimsiest of evidence. If "Living in a neighborhood with not enough children." is one of the reasons DCF used as justification for this, then that's fucking insane. And wrong.