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Laszlo-Panaflex t1_jdjxzrt wrote

I'm cis and straight, but at least from my standpoint, it will continue to be a very LGBTQ-friendly city and I don't expect the pro-trans status of it to change at any point in the near future. We are perhaps the most deeply liberal state and have a very "live and let live" philosophy. There are certainly assholes like anywhere, but I feel like you'd come across far more people who are accepting and especially in comparison to other parts of the country (not sure where you'd be moving from).

I agree with other commenters that there are certain pockets of conservatism, but you'd be unlikely to end up in any of them. They're mostly small rural-ish towns. I also agree with other commenters that P-Town and some of the towns in Western MA are worth looking at from a cost perspective. Boston is where it's at culturally, though, so keep that in mind.

And although it is expensive AF to live in the Greater Boston area, salaries are also higher.