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chucktownbtown t1_itqhif8 wrote

Taxes on alcohol are to take advantage of transaction volume for revenue purposes. Essentially, there’s a ton of money to be had because alcohol sales are so common.

If you want sugary drinks taxed to deter use, for health reasons, you should be making the same argument for alcohol to be taxed at an increased level to deter (for health reasons).


jp_jellyroll t1_itq02o9 wrote

Lack of exercise has horrible life-long health impacts, and yet, we don't tax people for not exercising. Maybe we should put a massive tax on video games so people don't sit around all day. In fact, the government should force all game companies to put a cap at 1 hour of play per 24 hours. That'll force people to exercise!

We should tax elevators, escalators, and those moving sidewalks in the airports. We should tax e-bikes & scooters because pedaling manually is far better exercise.

We should reinstitute a nationwide military draft to force people to get in shape. Two birds with one stone there. We can bulk up our military and get rid of all the fat-asses.



seeker135 t1_itoxd98 wrote

Yeah, but we live in a society. We can't abandon fools to die on the side of the road. Uninsured (M4A) cancer treatment costs as set by the govt/industry are destructive. I have no problem with high taxes on products proven to kill. Booze only does it to certain people (hello, self). Cigs essentially get err'body.

Overall, this is all a feature of the slavery caste in the US. Owners, managers, overseers, slaves. A few specialties.

There is no central police authority in this country. The States do not have centralized police departments. Staties, sure. Control below that level? Nope. All little independent fiefdoms. Plantations, if you will.

Take a look around. Every other Tom, Dick and Harry is some kind of cop. DHS, TSA, BORDER FUCKING PATROL , it's endless. I'm glad I'm old. Because I just came out of a forty-year dissociation from grief trauma. And I've been becoming more alarmed with each passing year at the ignorance and violence that is considered "normal" in this place. I despise handguns, don't like guns. I'm debating getting a shotgun. Because the fascists have come around again, and are going to need slapping down again, as we do every eighty years with these fuckers. And their chosen market is stupid enough to buy half of a story, lock, stock and barrel.
