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ahecht t1_irej868 wrote

If your plate number is 9338, which is a lottery plate on a 2003 Dodge Dakota, your registration is next due on August 31, 2023. You're also overdue for your inspection, since your sticker expired in August.


mikemerriman t1_ireld6c wrote

There are letters after the numbers.


Funkybeatzzz t1_irg6xm6 wrote

> In addition to the standard serial formats, Massachusetts also issues "reserve" plates. Reserve plates permit the plate holder to receive the same serial number when new plate styles are issued, or to transfer the serial number to family members. These plates are either all-numeric (1 through 99999) or consist of a single letter followed or preceded by a number (A 1 through Z 9999 and 1 A through 9999 Z). Reserve serials may also be of the forms A#A, A##A, #A#, and #AA#, where # represents any number, and A represents any letter. Low-number reserve plates – now called "Lottery Plates" by the RMV – are of the forms #, ##, ###, ####, A#, A##, #A, and ##A only. When a registrant cancels a low-number reserve registration, the number is placed in an annual lottery.