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Educational-List8475 t1_it3nr95 wrote

I think you both need one, although it doesn’t explicitly have that situation listed here


pitamandan OP t1_it3nwf7 wrote

Oh he has one, hunting and firearms, I’m just along for the ride. Just being sure I do what’s required before I go.


Educational-List8475 t1_it3o16v wrote

I’d assume you also need one. Maybe call local police or wildlife and ask, they might have better handle on those situations. Have fun out there!


pitamandan OP t1_it3o77u wrote

Wildlife goes straight to VM last two days. :/( hence what feels like a dumb question on Reddit.


Educational-List8475 t1_it3oeye wrote

Damn that’s rough! Not a dumb question, better to be safe than sorry. I’d personally be cautious and just get the hunting license, assuming it’s not crazy expensive


pitamandan OP t1_it3oqwg wrote

Yeah hunting license is easy, that’s part f the plan. I’ve heard the firearms license is a bit more difficult.


Educational-List8475 t1_it3ppdj wrote

I tried to get a conceal carry license in 2015 and got denied for whatever reason, they never told me. Actually had to wait like almost a year for the decision too. Haven’t tried again since


frankybling t1_it3v1ea wrote

that’s a different thing though… same with “primitive arms hunting”… CCW is up to your Police Department… they are required to give you a summary of their decision though


Educational-List8475 t1_it3yvp4 wrote

Yeah its different. I was honestly kind of pissed when t happened so I didn’t even try to fight it


frankybling t1_it40jrq wrote

you didn’t request a reason? I would be pissed (I’ve had my CCW for decades now…) but if I got refused I’d want to know their reasons.

Edit to add- I don’t carry very often but I got mine from a Chief of police who was known as being very much against issuing them in the 90’s.