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PuritanSettler1620 t1_islvrkw wrote

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you.


Head_Zombie214796 t1_ismreh5 wrote

so say you, but the guy who committed suicide can never have a comback against that


dignitytogether OP t1_islvu7p wrote

Tell that to a therapist.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_islwad7 wrote

Im going to be honest I don't support your law. I think if people are mean to you at work that sucks but it's not your workplaces job to figure that out. If they are physically harming you then call the police but if they are just saying mean stuff ignore them or quit.


dignitytogether OP t1_islzdk4 wrote

So with that logic, you don’t support anti-discrimination law?


PuritanSettler1620 t1_islzqv5 wrote

I do support anti-discrimination laws, (in most cases) because God created us all equal, but I don't support anti-bullying.


dignitytogether OP t1_islzvpt wrote

That’s illogical


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism0oxo wrote

how so?


dignitytogether OP t1_ism103a wrote

They both involve abusive mistreatment of employees.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism1gc2 wrote

If you are denied a job or treated substantively differently because of your skin color, that is an indefensible and bigoted act. If someone is mean to you that is a part of life.


dignitytogether OP t1_ism1lwq wrote

What if the abuse has a discriminatory impact, but you can’t prove discriminatory intent that the courts now call for?


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism23eq wrote

Then what you have is a hunch not a case


dignitytogether OP t1_ism33ne wrote

No, that’s actually how anti-discrimination law started.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism3aab wrote

Yeah but in this country we believe you are innocent until proven without a reasonable doubt guilty, a standard I think ought to be extended to employers.


dignitytogether OP t1_ism3ddj wrote

That is included in the proposed legislation.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism3oqo wrote

I looked up the proposed legislation, it is an extension of the nanny state in an effort to "disrupt social hierarchies at work" and is a pseudo socialist attempt to hamper the opperations of business in this commonwealth. I will be writing to my State senator to vote against this bill and amendment.