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smedlap OP t1_iumonsa wrote

They lied. Republicans lie about all of it. We all know about coyotes and rapes. If we had a good immigration system, coyotes would not have jobs. Spoiler; a wall is not a good immigration system.


mmmjjjk t1_iumpagx wrote

If we had a good immigration system, immigrants would not think they could come here illegally and stay. Coyotes and smugglers will always exist, but without millions to hide amongst or a secure border their job would be much harder. If we didn’t have millions of illegal immigrants we would be able to handle a much higher volume of legal immigration. The only people who “win” with illegal immigration is democrats running for office.

PS, border walls do work, if they didn’t then Biden wouldn’t have finished adding walls at the weakest parts of the border. The goal of a wall isn’t to be impenetrable, it’s to deter.
