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potus1001 t1_iurpzua wrote

In all fairness, from what I read in the article, three officers are allegedly allergic, but it didn’t say she confirmed they were allergic, prior to using the bees.

Most likely, she used the bees without considering whether they were allergic or not.

Nonetheless I agree with you that it isn’t cool. It could even rise to the level of assault and battery with a deadly weapon.


[deleted] t1_iurr9ky wrote



potus1001 t1_iuru5c4 wrote

Completely disagree with you there! Regardless of what you think of the law, these officers were doing their jobs, in a non-violent manner, and didn’t deserve a potential death sentence.

If you don’t like the way the law is written, then either run for office yourself, or vote people into office who match your views. But to wish death on people simply for following the laws in a non-violent manner, is a stark overreaction.

People need to cool down the violent rhetoric!


[deleted] t1_iururtc wrote



potus1001 t1_iurvdb5 wrote

In this situation, they did nothing to warrant what happened to them.


potus1001 t1_iurve5h wrote

In this situation, they did nothing to warrant what happened to them.


[deleted] t1_ius1z2k wrote



guesswhatihate t1_ius77c4 wrote

Getting served a notice to quit = violence


[deleted] t1_ius7oal wrote



bubalusarnee t1_iuv5xzk wrote

You should read more articles before you attempt to dunk.

But for now if you could just sit in the corner and ponder your choices, that'd be great, yeah.


potus1001 t1_iuvk7ed wrote

There was no attempt to “dunk” here.

But do you have a source that says different than what this source mentioned? Because every article I’ve read on this situation mentions that the officers were allegedly allergic to bees, not that she knew they were allergic.

Any additional information you could provide to help me learn about this situation would be very much appreciated! Thank you!