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Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1co5h wrote

So does yours “there are levels to this shit”.

Seems like you are avoiding some things. Also, the primary way we get electric in this state is natural gas plants (I think nat gas then nuclear). This state now wants to ban natural gas they actually just passed a bill a few months ago that starts that. When natural gas is banned will prices for everything else go up or down? Here is a hint…when we closed all our coal plants has our electric bills gone up or down?


dizzish t1_ix1df9g wrote

I don't disagree with the impact a "Green agenda" has had on our current state of affairs. North America has an abundance of resources, I put more blame on a representation in Congress and the Senate. Their ideals no longer reflect that of the populations they represent. The idea of there being a "Brandon", is meant to trigger you...and it has.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1glax wrote

No, I used Brandon because it’s easier to type than “current president” and “former president”.