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BootyMcStuffins t1_ivjjmrq wrote

Reply to comment by qanonrules in Common Massachusetts W by Rannrann123

Strong words for someone who worships a man who spent that much time on Epstien's island.

As always with you sheep, Gaslight Obstruct Project

I can give you a dozen lawsuits filed saying Trump sexually harassed or assaulted women. What do you have, bitch?


qanonrules t1_ivjkn4h wrote

DemonRats visited Epstein Island not Trump. U guys love fake news. Enjoy living in Massive2Shits! Taxes,horrible drivers, libtards and shit weather….#FJB


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivjour2 wrote

Are you this fucking stupid? There's pictures, video and sworn testimony from underage girls that he raped.

Gtfo with your ignorant ass.

Thank you for validating, yet again, that you red hats are ignorant fucks


qanonrules t1_ivjk0eh wrote

Lawsuits aren’t shit. Anyone can file one. Show me where they won. Those liberal tears are gonna start flowing soon! #ULTRAMAGA


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivjp14y wrote

Testimony under oath means quite a bit. Especially first hand accounts from girls on epstien's Island. Where's trumps testimony under oath saying it didn't happen?


qanonrules t1_ivju18y wrote

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad! You should be focused on your ‘president’ PedoJoe and all his ‘accomplishments’! Your entire democratic, a.k.a. satanic world is about to crumble to the ground. Just wait and see God is at work #IYKYK #Q


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivl5idl wrote

> satanic

Oh, ok, I get it, you're crazy. That explains things. Please get back on your meds