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Codspear t1_ivft8mj wrote

> working class environmentalist

Most environmentalists aren’t working class. They’re generally bourgeois af.


pgc60001 t1_ivg3o3a wrote

Middle class and upper middle class, sure. They are definitely working class compared to the executives and shareholders at Exxon, Shell, etc.

This narrative that “liberal coastal elites” are where the wealth is concentrated is completely false. Both mainstream parties are deep into corporate lobbyists; but this idea the Republican Party is representing this downtrodden and oppressed group of white, working class voters and not the interests of wealthy business owners is a fantasy. Most of these Republicans went to the Ivy League institutions they are bashing.


oceansofmyancestors OP t1_ivftyth wrote

Completely untrue


Codspear t1_ivfun9d wrote

Which is totally why environmentalist group membership coincidentally looks far more like a cross-section of Newton than New Bedford.