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t1_ivp8bgz wrote

> but the prohibition on checking out using self-checkout was the “poison pill” for me.

Mind if I ask why? This didn't sound like a bad idea and lots of stores already have self-checkout require approval for certain items.


OP t1_ivp8mei wrote

Nine times out of 10 I get beer at Walmart. It seems perfectly safe right now where an attendant has to come over and check your ID to allow you to pay. If this passed, then I would have to get in one of the few remaining lines with a cashier to buy beer. This was a direct quality of life issue, and I honestly didn’t have to look into the question much further than this to come to my opinion.


t1_ivpiwku wrote

If i am in a hurry and only need a bottle of wine at the store for a recipe or something, i think it's kinda silly to be required to sit in line with people who have a week or twos worth of groceries.

I understand the hostility to self-checkout taking jobs but someone would still need to id you and all these stores have help wanted signs right now.