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Your_Fave_Librarian t1_iy2023b wrote

Leave the leaves. They are good for the environment. Prioritize a snow blower.


Borner791 t1_iy22shx wrote

Mow / mulch the leaves. It's the laziest and best approach.


Shemsuni t1_iy22bkm wrote

100% will kill lawn


somegridplayer t1_iy37ljq wrote


bubalusarnee t1_iy4oppi wrote

Will kill a fragile monocrop lawn, sure. But those are an abomination.

We have yards, not putting greens.


Shemsuni t1_iy4rla7 wrote

In what planet do matted down fall leaves 🍁 help turf management?


Voyyagr OP t1_iy2axc2 wrote

I’m concerned I have too many for that. I’m not against mulching but I suspect I’d have to remove at least some first.


warwithinabreath3 t1_iy320j2 wrote

Yea, the whole mulching the leaves thing is very situational. I suspect all the people saying it, have no more than a few trees. I tried it one year and it was a complete disaster. My lawn mower absolutely could not handle the sheer amount of leaves. Spent more time doing that then just bucking up and blowing them. Got an early snow and in the spring large patches of my yard were dead and turned to mud. And the remaining leaves were half rotted, soaked, and matted together. Removing those leaves was ten times harder than if I had done it right in the fall.


icwhatudiddere t1_iy38icc wrote

Do it twice. I started doing this recently and I have ~1 foot drifts of leaves. This summer during the height of the drought, my lawn was still green. The leaf mulch helps so much with water absorption and nutrition.


Humburgur28 t1_iy26ei9 wrote

Definitely pick up the leaves. When it snows, the leaves will be trapped under and will kill the grass
