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Boston_Stonks t1_iwvhsv7 wrote

Ah, the ol' party of tolerance. Calling people "tards" as if you are on the moral high ground some how. Quite the self-righteous cunt if I do say so myself.


MOGicantbewitty t1_iwvlr85 wrote

Is calling someone a cunt your go-to? Two out of your last three comments are calling someone a cunt. I mean, YOU come across as a self-righteous cunt, which is weird seeing as you are a newbie no-flair insulting a well established account. FYI, it makes you look like a troll or shill account.

False equivalency coming from someone who is insulting liberals for being “tolerant” screams fake shill account. Be better… MAGAs are already blaming everything wrong in this country on the brown people while actually being the ones causing all the shit.

Edit: I also love the hypocrisy when you call somebody out for using a slur by calling them a sexist slur.


[deleted] t1_iwvm71r wrote



MOGicantbewitty t1_iww2q3g wrote

Holy straw man arguments, Batman! Using sexist slurs is totally cool, but able ism is where you draw the line. Have fun with your assumptions. I’ll continue on with my life


[deleted] t1_iwvmfdi wrote



Boston_Stonks t1_iwvmrt4 wrote

Call me a fascist next, that really gets me going. And nobody confused your original comment for anything other than what you meant by removing the "re". Be better.