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blup12 t1_iy6ptou wrote

Yea typical day is coordinating projects mostly. They might not “train” you to avoid possible puns. Good luck.


MojitoSipper OP t1_iy6srrm wrote

Can you clarify in a little more details what you mean by coordinating projects?

Will they hire someone without any work history of being a coordinator?

I have over 15 years of customer service experience, a bachelor's, and an eagerness to learn how to do my job 100% right. But I don't know if that's still enough.


what_comes_after_q t1_iy6urc0 wrote

I guess they lost the training section on how to run on time.


wolf95oct0ber t1_iy6z9ug wrote

Just a guess but no project coordinator experience seems unlikely they’ll hire you also because of the liability they are going to be under, but no one can say for sure. Apply and if you get an interview then ask about training and experience.


Te4646 t1_iy7w35c wrote

That company is a train wreck


cheese1234cheese t1_iy8mlkl wrote

Think about how your customer service experience can be applied to project coordination. Did you lead the roll out of any new processes? Did you intake feedback or identify issues, work with others to figure out what to do next, and coordinate with others to take action? Did you set up processes that helped day to day work go better? Most jobs can be applied to protect coordination, so spend some time thinking about this, and then up date your resume and cover letter if you haven’t already submitted! Good luck :)


Positive-Material t1_iyb7zvp wrote

you usually a big middle aged white guy doing something inefficiently for a hundred grand or a protected class moving slowly and just flirting and getting coffee.