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ClarissaDarjeeling t1_iykv8et wrote

UVM does this, too.

It's also why they never hire overqualified, 40-something-year-old janitorial applicants...lots of white collar dads thinking they can save a buck by working as a janitor for 6 years haha


VermontArmyBrat t1_iym33a4 wrote

UVM also outsources services, like all of the food service employees. They are all contractors and not UVM employees.


dvdquikrewinder t1_iymqjb1 wrote

Yeah I think that's been the norm for some time, but just observation so my sample may be biased


bylviapylvia t1_iynje12 wrote

There was a point that they were talking about outsourcing janitorial services and they haven’t been adding many tenure track professors. Most adjuncts and lecturers don’t qualify because they are part time.


el_geto t1_iym47pa wrote

You do have to be there for 5 years to earn this benefit, so an overqualified hire would be sacrificing a lot of earning for the chance to get their kids in… it’s a real gamble


SheeEttin t1_iyl3izy wrote

I'm pretty sure everyone contracts out janitorial services.

And you'd probably make more working your white-collar job and paying regular tuition than working as a janitor and getting discount tuition.


globetheater t1_iyllfcd wrote

Well the difference would have to be $50k or so post-tax, and that’s only one kid…