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johnny_cash_money t1_iyvkfnx wrote

It’s called Baird & McGuire. It’s on South Street in Holbrook but it affected the Cochato River that fed Holbrook, Randolph and Braintree water supplies, and led to a well field closure.


Dseltzer1212 t1_iyvsozr wrote

In the mid 80’s we had put down $5000. on a duplex in Randolph and the next day I read this quote from a woman who lived in Randolph….”when I want to punish my kids, I make them drink tap water” We backed out of the duplex and lost the 5g


MrRemoto t1_iyvpqvd wrote

In my dad's neighborhood 2 kids and several adults died of Leukemia in the 1970s early 80s