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t1_j21lia1 wrote


t1_j21lpml wrote

Not at all. Purdue pharm and the Dr's are/were the real criminals. The people filling the prescriptions were just doing their job. And I'm sure some of them did report it...


t1_j21mhrr wrote

Right so that multi billion dollar lawsuit SPECIFICALLY RELATED to pharmacies was nothing then.

Got it. You’re brilliant


t1_j21mvug wrote

You are saying fuck cvs. In theory your anger should be directed to every pharmacy that filled the scripts. Which includes Walgreens, rite aid, walmart, and every mom and pop pharmacy. To call OP pathetic for holding a very stressful job that helps people is pretty childish. Get off your high horse and grow up.


t1_j21o894 wrote

No fuck those places too. Drug dealers disguised as health companies. Absolutely disgusting.

And no, I like it up here. Thanks though.


t1_j21ru7u wrote

I think what they’re saying is the doctors and Perdue have far more culpability than the pharmacies did for not reporting overprescriptions.

Seriously, think about it. There are many controlled medications that if a patient just weren’t able to get them would really fuck them up. Opioids are one of them. We act like once someone’s addicted we should just stop filling the script, but that’s not how addiction works. That philosophy is literally what’s made the opioid epidemic stick around. States with more restrictive opioid laws have higher rates of addiction because people have to go to the streets to get opiates for legitimate medical use, but then get addicted because they have unlimited access.

Plus, that’s part of the problem, it’s not exactly easy to tell when a doctor is acting in good faith or not, on the pharmacies’ end. Prescription limits are kinda bullshit, because what if you are a GP and you just happen to get a bunch of patients with broken limbs. Like I literally know people who broke their arm who only got NSAIDs and maybe tramadol because of these arbitrary limits and doctors now being afraid of being reported for overprescribing. Or, take my medication. I don’t take opiates, but I do take ADHD meds. Sometimes I have problems getting it filled at my preferred pharmacy, like I did this month. I literally have periods where my amphetamine prescription is being called in to four pharmacies, and from their perspective it looks like I might get it filled at all four pharmacies. In reality, my doctor is just moving my script so I can get it filled and I only ever pick up one of those a month.

So it’s not really a clear cut thing, and sure, maybe CVS underreported, but there’s far more risk to the patients by pharmacies misreporting than underreporting due to patients potentially losing medication they may need. In no world can the pharmacies that have little say in the decisions have as much culpability as the people actually making those decisions.


t1_j21v2c5 wrote

Who said they were AS culpable? Never once did I make that implication.

I said fuck CVS, and anyone cashing some stupid paycheck over doing what’s right.

I stand by that statement.


t1_j226lcy wrote

Yeah, and you’re missing what I said. What I was saying is the pharmacies might have some responsibility, but there was potential for them to do wrong by accidentally misreporting doctors, therefore doing the right thing might’ve been erring on the side of underreporting. Nobody’s perfect, therefore many medical professionals and facilities choose to lean into one side of the error spectrum to reduce harm. The right thing very well might’ve been to underreport, because, as I said in my previous comment, underreporting might’ve been weighed to cause less harm than risking misreporting doctors.


t1_j23nneq wrote

I can’t believe you’re actually defending these companies when they just paid a multi billion dollar lawsuit so they wouldnt have to admit fault. Which means they did, and are throwing money at the problem.

You want to defend a health food store that removed cigarettes due to “health concerns” but still sells OxyContin and Pepsi Cola?

Lol. Do you. But I know exactly what I do when I walk into cvs. Extract value. Rinse. Repeat. Forever.


t1_j240ied wrote

I can’t believe you’re obtuse to nuance. I’m not defending corporations, I’m defending healthcare and trying to make sure ire is directed at the right people. Ire is not a binary, there are layers, and pharmacies are the least ire worthy of all of these.