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ohhgrrl t1_iyymp7w wrote

You won’t be teaching specific courses like environmental science. You will be teaching broad general studies topics like: earth science or chemistry.


MojitoSipper OP t1_iyyoapq wrote

I'm perfectly okay with that. I graduated with a general track in it. I really enjoy talking about the natural science side of Env. Sci.


niknight_ml t1_iz19h5d wrote

You can definitely teach full-time environmental science (my school of about 1,000 students has 2 full time environmental teachers), but there is no environmental science MTEL you could take for licensure. You would need to take either the bio or chem MTEL to get your science license.

While you should probably go for whichever subject you're better at, keep in mind that bio, by far, has the most applicants for any open job. Chem is much, much harder to find someone for. The last time we were hiring for a chem teacher, there were just two licensed teachers who applied. The last bio position we hired for had over 30 licensed applicants.


MojitoSipper OP t1_iz34ryj wrote

That's strange, I noticed that too. The state's education website has a practice exam for environmental science and says they are supposed to have an exam for it. But there's no option to sign up for it on the Pearson website where people sign up to take the exams, there's no option for ES.