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anomanissh t1_j18ijzl wrote

> non-profits almost always are run by people who secretly steal the money.

Please provide even one reputable source for this opinion. There are bad people out there running nonprofits for personal gain, but it is a vanishingly small number.


Positive-Material OP t1_j19dzmc wrote

everyone who works in non profits says this.. also, the effective altruism hit all the signs of a cult.. they are also targeting higher income earners and people who have left over spending money - the nerdy tech students without kids or bills. if you know the personality profile of psychopaths and how these things work - you can recognize it. it is as old as time. these organizations spring up in different forms but they all follow the same steps.. it's just obvious.. if you need reputable citations - you are the sucker and the mark..


October7_7 t1_j19uxez wrote

You do realize that for a 501(c) nonprofit to exist they have to disclose their financials? Go to Charity Navigator, they'll let you know if the breakdown looks like shit or is reasonable. Quit fear mongering over non-profits when it only takes 3 clicks or so to find out anything you'd need to know.


Positive-Material OP t1_j19z770 wrote

lol.. that a fig leaf.. they just do things like fake checks, kickback payments and on paper everything looks fine for the audit


October7_7 t1_j1a7pc6 wrote

Show me on the doll where the non-profit sector hurt you


October7_7 t1_j1vne1b wrote

Congratulations you can use Google search I'm proud of you.


Positive-Material OP t1_j1vv2pa wrote

You realize most people in non-profits who get caught with embezzlement are just quietly fired with no criminal charges and no media reporting.. so you just don't know about it.. and most embezzlement is done in a way that nobody will know about it.


October7_7 t1_j1wlsvq wrote

You can say the same thing about the private sector dude, you got a source on that claim or are they only fake news when they disagree with you?

Glad to know I've taken up your mental space for the past five days though!


Positive-Material OP t1_j1xs9c6 wrote

trust me, nobody is embezzling in an Amazon warehouse - not talking about theft of packages though.. I bet people don't even get away with stealing paper clips there..


October7_7 t1_j1yh3jl wrote

Oh got me with that one! Really blew my mind pointing out how a warehouse picker can't embezzle funds - really it's a shock seeing as they don't manage any money in a position with high turnover by design.


Impossible-End-9678 t1_j1br1wc wrote

No I agree yo, I worked for several non-profits. The people on the top were always driving expensive cars and making dick moves, while the rest were impoverished.


Positive-Material OP t1_j1v4x64 wrote

Yes. Our CEO was in a yacht floating around on vacation and made a million dollars a year.. and it is a respected non profit in MA helping various vulnerable people groups.. I was noticing shady stuff by my manager, who behind closed doors was speaking very disrepesctfully about the vulnrable people we were supposed to be devoted to helping.. I Googled my manager's name, and it came up that they had an LLC supply house registered to their home address that had the same name as a local supply house and it said they made an estimated $100,000 a year - I put two and two together, and guessed (correctly) that they were writing fake checks to their own business (which said X Supply House Inc DBA My Managers Name) for supplies our company bought for the population we serve, but because the names were the same with a difference of one letter, nobody supposedly noticed.. I guessed that everyone in the office was in on it, with that person just doing the dirty work and being the fall guy if someone found out.. I reported it by email to the controller and CEO, and the CEO did not reply, and the controller forwarded my email to my then my manager fired me.. so I reported them to the state, and then my manager and coworkers all got fired.. now my manager started a Pet Rescue non profit and is in charge of finding volunteers to build the non profit for them and volunteers to fundraise for them.. of course all the social workers at the bottom in the non profit were like super educated wonderful people living on peanuts..I was leaving my job in the non profit anyway, so I figured I would do a service to America and report the people who were likely (turned out correct) embezzling funds that were supposed to go the vulnerable population we were supposedly helping


anomanissh t1_j19n7gu wrote

You can dislike the effective altruism frame; I didn’t even comment on that and i have plenty of criticisms of it as well.

But part of your reasoning for why you dislike the frame, however, is clearly false. Again, you said:

> non-profits almost always are run by people who secretly steal the money.

Between 15-20% of workers in the state work for nonprofit employers. You’re saying almost all of these people work for crooks who are pocketing donations and have not a single statistic to back it up. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize the effective altruism framework, but this is not one of them.