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-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_j1bmg2u wrote

These are the same people who just can't wait and will rush out and wait in line overnight for the latest iPhone, graphics card, Xbox release, sneaker, etc.

It's not going anywhere for awhile. What's the hurry? So you can chat it up with your coworkers the next day about how awesome it was?

Wait a couple of weeks and you can still enjoy it without the crowd and hassles.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cg8c1 wrote

Damn homie you sound like a sad person that’s upset the other people are having a good time doing something. And if that’s not the case, you sure are coming off that way. You might want to do some self reflection if you care about that kind of thing.


COVID_2019 t1_j1d5gmq wrote

That's most of this thread tbh. Snarky "Of course I want to sit with a bunch of other maskless strangers who will ruin the movie instead of watching it at home" and "Why would anyone want to see Avatar 2?! I can't believe it?!!!".


toxodon t1_j1cf29s wrote

Some people enjoy going to a crowded movie theater again post-pandemic, and just want something entertaining.
