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Mysterious-House-51 t1_izj1ie9 wrote


RawDoggRamen t1_izjaglx wrote

Get your MMC card! You basically pay the taxes ahead of time!


charons-voyage t1_izlhrzz wrote

Such a shitty thing to do if you don’t actually need it. It turns the whole medical marijuana field into a joke, when MMC should be reserved for patients who actually need it. If you just wanna get ripped and play videogames, good for you, but pay for it.


RawDoggRamen t1_izlk6bu wrote

It cost 175 bucks a year. 150 at some places. The joke is that you're basically paying the taxes ahead of time. So, whoosh. Also, have you actually gone through the process to get a card? It is already a joke.