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t1_j1bee11 wrote

People have different reasons for liking or not liking things. Was curious what your reasons were.

The reality is some people don’t like the police. Some people do. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean everyone else should know why you don’t like them.

Personally I have no strong opinion either way. Have had a couple of bad experiences with cops. But mostly had good experiences. I generally feel most government workers are overpaid, so they don’t stand out to me for that. I think they have a tough job. But I 100% would be on board with changing qualified immunity.

I stand by my decision that the original post we are discussing was off topic and there was nothing wrong with posting a story about a new law being used.

Note in an earlier post (not part of this chain) I stated that It didn’t seem to be the best use of resources, but kept an open mind.


t1_j1bkcsw wrote

We're talking about the police here, not a fucking favorite flavor of ice cream my dude. TL;DR on the rest of that tho.


t1_j1bkm76 wrote

Honestly, very few people I know dislike the cops. Maybe it’s just where I get my ice cream, but everyone hating cops isn’t my reality.

No idea what TL DR means. I’ll look it up.

Edit: looked it up. ha ok. Fair enough.


t1_j1bkogu wrote



t1_j1bkxde wrote

So you don’t like the police because some other people don’t like it. It seems you think it’s trendy to not like them, so you don’t.