Submitted by t3_zxbbs6 in massachusetts

Mike has been missing for 18 days now - please keep an eye out for both him and the ford escape .

If you have any information - please contact peabody police department immediately.

Please keep both Mike and his family in your thoughts



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t1_j20dg2a wrote

I live on North Shore - I'll keep an eye out & share. Hope he is found safe...and soon.


t1_j212f4h wrote

Wait, so let me try and analyze this.

  • Dude gets locked out of his car in like... a parking lot or something? It doesn't say.

  • Instead of AAA or a tow truck or whatever he calls Peabody PD for assistance, and of course they can't do shit so they drop him off at "a family member's place of work" (was there spare keys there?)

  • The cop that drove him, not the family member whose place of work it was, is the last person to have seen him.

  • The next day, the family reports him missing... both he, and the same car he couldn't get into, are gone?

Maybe the article did a really bad job explaining the details, but this is way sus.


OP t1_j213yso wrote

The sibling was the last to see him when they handed over the keys so he could get a spare set from his house - it’s the siblings car that’s missing, his is not


t1_j21hc9t wrote

What sibling the sister whose car it is? Is “they” the sibling? This is odd.


OP t1_j21nupr wrote

Idk if you’re trying to troll but it’s not a good attempt. He has his siblings car. Theres nothing confusing about that sentence


t1_j21ojmv wrote

I’m from the area and trying to figure it out to see who to help what to look for etc. if I don’t j ow all the details asap I’m sorry I just can’t follow this sort Of off base story.


OP t1_j21paqr wrote

Not looking for you to follow; asking for you to be on the lookout for mike & the ford escape and report to peabody pd with any info

That’s it


t1_j21pvsy wrote

You’re right. It doesn’t have to make any sense. Good luck . Hopefully the person with the keys and the police have everything they need. 🙏🏼🌸💙


t1_j224h07 wrote

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking piece of shit asshole


t1_j225a7l wrote

Do you have more info? Can you help? Or are you just here to swear?


OP t1_j22kyfq wrote

I’m not commenting here past this as I’m not trying to argue here.

Imagine one of your children goes missing and the only assistance out there for your child was asking the public - but you soon realize that there’s people out there (you’re not the only one) confusing other people by asking the wrong questions, as if the actual police didn’t already ask, and deterring the public away from the only request - keeping an eye out and reporting information.

Nothing makes sense when someone disappear. But it doesn’t actually have to for you to literally just look out while you’re commuting or out and about.

self awareness is a sick character trait.


t1_j23q64q wrote

Not sure it’s intentional but some of the things you are saying (saying the story doesn’t add up, suggesting crime or drugs) are inappropriate and unkind.


t1_j2256h7 wrote

Ok 🫢 because shit don’t make sense here so everyone keep acting like this has no question marks. That area is known for mischief let’s say.

Best wishes to the person and family. Hopefully they get answers.


t1_j21ofqi wrote

?? Troll? Wtf would I be going that? No attempt. It’s very confusing the whole thing. The sibling handed who the keys? The missing person? So the cops gave a ride to a dude who needed to get the keys from his sibling to their the siblings car?


t1_j21q69g wrote

So I looked into this a bit. One of the articles I read stated that "the thing that makes this case unusual" is that it was a cop who was the last person to see him.

I guess this could all make sense if he had a set of spare keys. He knew the sibling was at work so just... took the car without their permission. So the sibling, not having a car, calls the cops primarily to report the car missing and who they think took it (hence why it was so soon) and the cops realized it was the guy they had dropped there yesterday.


t1_j21rwqe wrote

Ok. But it says he got dropped off to the sibling who gave him the keys right? So then what? That’s when he went missing? I get people not wanting the whole story or whatever but it’s just too much. I 💯 agree if the cop was the last to see him it’s wicked sus. But not more sus than if the sibling giving him the keys was the last? Poor family and guy I guess it’s all that will be put out there. The area can be drug and crime related so it’s not shocking. I hope he’s found safely. What a nightmare for all involved.


t1_j220837 wrote

Wait, are you saying the sibling lending him the keys so he can borrow the car... more sus than the car being stolen and the cops being the last people to see him?

Not sure I get your logic here.


t1_j221aei wrote

No not at all. There must be a missing piece. He calls cops they bring to sibling they give the missing the key then he’s missing.

Is that the genesis here?

Then where did he go after getting the keys? Is that when he went missing?

I am a normal typically functioning 43 heat old Woman mom of 3. Like what am I missing here that it makes so much sense to others but I’m lost.

I can typically make sense of things and I feel this is t working out for me mentally. What am I missing?


t1_j226x3l wrote

Where he might have been going, or why, is a whole different story. There doesn't seem to be enough information in any of the stories to get an answer to that either.


t1_j229pa0 wrote

Right. The just hope he’s found safely and his family doesn’t have to keep worrying. It’s a nightmare.


t1_j23pkqf wrote

The guy could’ve gone in the building where his sister works, the cop stayed in the parking lot completing the paperwork related to this, his sister gave him the keys, he walks out of the building and across the parking lot to his sister’s car, the cop (still completing his report) looks up and notices him leaving in the his sister’s car, then the guy leaves = cop was last to see him.

Not suspicious.

Stop making assumptions please, and describing him in such a negative way. This is not the time or the guy to pick on. The family is hurting and the guy can’t defend himself here.

You are being mean.


t1_j21hnfn wrote

>Maybe the article did a really bad job explaining the details, but this is way sus

The article did do a bad job explaining, but you also jumped to too may conclusions.


t1_j23ozf6 wrote

  1. Car he was locked out of was parked in a driveway.

  2. Cops dropped him off at sister’s place of work so he could borrow her car, use it to drive from Peabody MA to York ME, to get his spare set of keys.

  3. Sister was last to see him, no? After handing her keys to him.

  4. He and the sister’s car he borrowed are reported missing the next day.

Lets not jump to the conclusion that it’s suspicious. We don’t yet know the whole story and won’t know the whole story until he is found, hopefully found safe and well.


t1_j21h98k wrote

Yeah based on this it’s very sus. I was once locked out of my car and called the police (in in Ma too near Boston about five miles from Peabody) and they were like yeah call AAA good luck. And I’m a female and they wouldn’t help. It’s odd they came to get him and give Him a ride or else the police dept I called was a cunt.

I hope they find him but things are odd here.


t1_j21yo24 wrote

Any lakes or rivers in the area, thats where a missing man was found in Westfield.* (different case)


t1_j23ob3w wrote

Thank you for keeping this in the public eye. It’s a great way to help this family. Good on you for not engaging with the negative/irrelevant commenters here.

I find myself curious about his back story, then admonish myself for being nosey.


OP t1_j23sl0d wrote

Appreciate the kind words & assistance. I’m the swing of things I’m a small fish in a big pond. I’m just hopeful it makes an impact and they’re able to get mike back safely.

Despite the negativity; all comments help the algo notice the posts and get the info to more people so even the negative comments are serving a purpose


t1_j23sc07 wrote

The Gabby Petito Foundation’s mission is to help find the missing. My sense is they do so not just through policy, though they excel at that, but also to help individual families as best they can. You might find contacting them is helpful.

Best of luck. I hope he is located safe and well.

Gabby Petito Foundation::


t1_j20xeaa wrote

What model year is the Escape?

Edit: because from MY2016 on they have Sync 3 and you should be able to use location data to find it.


t1_j23mq2u wrote



OP t1_j23sp3z wrote

This has been stated and all info is being directed to the police - please read the post.


t1_j215cit wrote

Wasn’t he last seen downtown Boston walking around?

Pretty sure that it was posted about a week or so ago


t1_j1zbof8 wrote

They always say never to respond to these because of how frequently they're just criminals doing crime


t1_j1zcy9e wrote

I don't understand. Are you saying that the missing guy is a criminal or the people who made the post? Either way, why would reporting a sighting of him to the police be a problem?


t1_j1zf4ll wrote

Saying not to report to OP. Could be a stalker or nutbag. I agree, call the police if you spot the guy or car.... but not OP. The world is too s***** to believe everything you see on the Internet.


t1_j1zd4gb wrote

These are frequently posted by stalkers or PIs and other people who have lost track of their prey.


t1_j1zdjbs wrote

Right. Does happen. More often when missing person is female and no police department phone number or police report linked.

Not if there is a legit police report.

OP: please link police report and don’t include private number for reporting. Would be better if you Remove Jule’s phone number so it’s clear this is not a stalker.


OP t1_j1zdxx5 wrote

Just a friends brother; helping by sharing & directing all info to police

Think what you’d like - just keep a look out


t1_j1zf3cx wrote

People will be less suspicious of your posts and more likely to help if the only phone number given for reporting is the police number though.


OP t1_j201cs8 wrote

I’m just reposting what the family has up - it’s a friend’s brother and they’re going through a tough time as it is and the negative comments don’t help (not saying yours was negative; but opening this to the Internet - we all know what can come with it)


t1_j1zdon0 wrote

>Right. Does happen. More often when missing person is female

Unless, of course, you're actually looking for the woman in the picture and building trust by claiming to be searching for the man


t1_j1zevrn wrote

Good point.

Except in this case the Peabody Police Dept has posted this on their facebook page and multiple news media are covering the story.

Source - facebook:


t1_j1zf2ce wrote

The use of the word "operating" suggests he's not missing, just leaving his life behind.


t1_j1zhgwv wrote

Here’s some more info including very supportive comment from Michael’s wedding photographer.


t1_j1zhk4y wrote

From that, it really seems like he stole his sister's car


t1_j1zj4y4 wrote

Who cares. Dude could be having a manic episode or a full phycotic break. And his family is trying to keep him from dieing or becoming homeless. Honestly. Go fuck your self, your a horrendous human and you are sick.


t1_j20jyqv wrote

“Operating” might simply be “sheriff’s lingo” for “driving” and you are reading WaY to much into this - unkind to the family.


t1_j20k1z4 wrote

Operating is sheriff lingo for driving. And if he's still driving, he's not exactly missing


t1_j1ziw9f wrote

Your nutz. You need to get on anxiety medication asap if you really think the way you are. Its not normal and your definitely not helping or saving anyone. This person has been. Issing for a long time and its the man, ive seen posters and it on the news when he 1st went missing and the police number is posted.


t1_j1zdzi8 wrote

Not quite. "He is now believed to be operating..." suggests something else is up.


t1_j1zeft8 wrote

It suggests that he’s driving a different car, as the rest of that sentence tells you.


t1_j1zeho3 wrote

That kinda suggests that he isn't missing.


t1_j1zi33z wrote

Unless someone used police terminology not intending to imply anything.


t1_j1zi5qb wrote

Upon doing more research, it looks like he stole his sister's car and is on the run


t1_j1zjpm0 wrote

Again who cares? I bet his sister is worried af about her brother who might have mental health problems and be in the midst of a break down


t1_j1zjsok wrote

Nothing I've seen so far suggests that. I'm not a fan of the use of "missing" here.


t1_j1zlxin wrote

Your a moron. Even if he doesnt want to be found, he is missing. Thats what the word missing means, it means somthing is not able to be easily found. And he is missing, wether or not he comitted a crime is absolutely no bissness of yours.


t1_j1zm1n3 wrote

No need to snitch, then, either, is there? My business is "hey, don't believe everything you see online!"


t1_j1zmgyz wrote

No your a moron. I hope this upon you. As some one who has had a freind do exactly this during a phycotic break, inwish the same to you. Fuck you.

Actualy i rember arguing with you before about some other very stupid argument you made, and you deleted the posts. I forgot your the dumbist person in MA, and also now blocked. A pox upon you.


t1_j1zuoo8 wrote

I wouldn't be calling someone a moron and using the incorrect you're in the comments. Just saying.


t1_j1zfgpl wrote

Too many people downvoting this. Unless you've seen a news story about this guy missing or have checked a police website..... How do you know? You gotta be careful, you can't just believe everything you see on reddit.


t1_j1ziit3 wrote

Agree 100% always be careful about missing persons reports. Some are stalkers. Not all missing persons posts can be trusted


Clearly this one can be trusted. It has been vetted by Peabody Police Department and posted by that Police Department on their facebook page as legit.


t1_j1zfm3f wrote

Even the press reports are... interesting. The guy doesn't really seem to be "missing". He has a new car.


OP t1_j2030mo wrote

It’s legitimately his sister’s car that was borrowed - this was the last confirmed sighting.


t1_j2033q8 wrote

Everything I've seen seems to suggest he ran away


OP t1_j2045js wrote

Nothing will ever make sense in a missing person case; I know all avenues have been covered by the police and there’s a reliance on the public to help keep an eye out.

I can’t imagine how I’d feel if it was my family