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BF1shY t1_izt0u3o wrote

>Democrat Kristin Kassner jumped into the lead over five-term Republican Rep. Lenny Mirra after a district-wide recount erased her narrow deficit and put her ahead by a single vote, an infinitesimally tight outcome that the incumbent plans to challenge in court.
>It will absolutely be a legal challenge." Mirra said.

Is there really such a thing as adults anymore? Just seems like big children that sue at every life hurtle they encounter.

Wish there were stricter rules for frivolous lawsuits, and the accuser has to pay all legal fees if found frivolous.


mattgm1995 t1_izuy4zo wrote

It’s not a frivolous law suit. Almost every election this close has them. Mirra is a great rep, and a wonderful guy. As a democrat who proudly voted to keep Lenny as my rep (even tho he’s a republican) he is a great rep.


BlaineTog t1_izzcuxx wrote

Any election this close needs a few recounts. That said, you're not wrong that the GQP has been particularly lawsuit-happy these days, so they were probably thinking of suing no matter the margin.