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t1_j04ioiu wrote

Go fuck yourself. Is that a useful contribution?

Dude is ranting like a lunatic about events with low probability and doesn’t seem to be living his best life. I don’t care what he does. But whatever it it is doesn’t seem to working out too well for him.

More people will killed this weekend in Chicago than will be killed by all rightwing extremism and domestic terrorism in the previous and next five years.

(This was a false statement on my part. Looked it up and hadn’t considered the attack in Buffalo as right wing but should have. I stand corrected).


t1_j04xe7i wrote



t1_j06cnf9 wrote

Bit chilly where I live. Can’t see grass right now.

Also not upset at all and got a kick out of your comment so I found it did add.

But whatever. I felt the guy went on a strange long rant that had little to do with the general topic being discussed. Legit thought he seems like he should talk to a professional. Didn’t seem well.

Maybe he is fine. At the end of the day your first post was right in that I really don’t care about him.