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meggiemay4749 t1_j0vm37b wrote

You are reading far, far too much into this. When it comes down to it, this question is about geography. We don’t need a lecture on economics or population density or whatever the fuck this is. Central mass exists. It is fundamentally different than both the Boston area and western mass in a geographical and socioeconomic sense. For the love of god you sound so pompous.


canadacorriendo785 t1_j0vrtdj wrote

I dont understand how it's pompous to share factual information related to the question of if Western Mass begins west of Worcester or at the county line.


meggiemay4749 t1_j0vsnc4 wrote

I mean it’s kinda all in the tone but whatever. You do you, I suppose.


canadacorriendo785 t1_j0vukb5 wrote

I'm not trying to be a dick I just genuinely think it's important. That everyone in the state views their town as this little fiefdom disconnected from the larger region completely handicaps our ability to address all these huge issues we have. If you care about how much you pay for housing, public transportation, public education you should care about what I'm trying to say.


meggiemay4749 t1_j0vvgke wrote

I don’t want to continue having this argument with you. Christ almighty. And again, this isn’t about towns this is about regions and geography and nobody is looking to get into a fucking economic debate or whatever the fuck kind of debate you’re trying to have. Please kindly lay off.


SteveMcTravel t1_j0w1ji3 wrote

But what about if the state of Massachusetts is long and can easily be divided into thirds and therefor we divide it into Western, Central and Eastern? Does that not count for anything because there are people who live in Fitchburg but work in Boston? There are people in southern New Hampshire who work in Boston. Is New Hampshire part of the Boston area? By this logic all of New England is Massachusetts and New England is part of New York City. Maybe it is, I don’t know. I’m not even from here. I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, which is the Worcester of Canada.