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georgecostanza37 t1_j60qi3s wrote

So the people who are telling you this should be the ones giving you the evidence. Not people who know it’s outlandish, but don’t have any evidence…because they aren’t the ones believing the claim. You clearly don’t believe it either. Would you ask the Massachusetts subreddit why people keep telling you Lizard people are really and ask for them to provide evidence when they say it’s a silly claim?


lectrician7 OP t1_j60t5cx wrote

I’m not asking anyone to prove it ISN’T true. I know you can’t prove a negative. That’s why I asked if someone had first hand knowledge. I assume it’s not true. This is essentially a way for me to prove to this coworker thief wrong and believed a fairly unbelievable rumor. But everyone assumes I believe it. Which is absurd to me. It’s very sad to me how many people make assumption about me based on this post. Instead of asking me what I thought. As I said in another response earlier I think this judgement of people without asking pertinent questions is a huge problem in society today. I honestly makes me sad. I wish people would just be better than that.


georgecostanza37 t1_j60u5vv wrote

I stated: “ you clearly don’t believe it either” what I am saying is the poster above (and many others) told you it’s upon the person you know who is making this claim to provide the burden of truth. If that person can’t provide it, but won’t accept anything otherwise…their logic is wrong. Doesn’t make them less intelligent because we are all susceptible, but they should know it’s on them. Weird that you asked in the Mass sub, but the people who are answering will either answer like this or become an echo chamber that your friend will resent. It’s not how you resolve a conflict.


lectrician7 OP t1_j60vbc2 wrote

I asked a mass sub because I live in mass, there was no other reasoning behind why I chose this sub.


mikenice1 t1_j612jpw wrote

I mean all this effort commenting and you could have just googled it. There is no first hand knowledge. It's a made up right wing shitpost.


lectrician7 OP t1_j612qb1 wrote

I did google it. At work in front of my coworker but he was adamant that it happens in our area so I figured I could ask here and show him no one has proof of it happening.