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Ex-Pat-Spaz t1_j2scabj wrote

Rural folk have representation and a voice, why do you think you vote? What you want, is special and more representation than what the rest of us have, which is some sort of outdated electoral college bullshit.

Your example and comparison to minorities is borderline stupid.


cjpowers70 t1_j2scx29 wrote

So every political decision should come down to a simple majority vote? Under this logic you would support Jim Crow laws so long as the voters upheld it.


Ex-Pat-Spaz t1_j2shmlo wrote

You are lost, dude. Please don’t throw around terms, comparisons, you barely understand and try to gaslight me with severe faulty logic.

Rural folk have representatives and that is pretty much the end of it.

Also, as an aside which I am sure I will regret to point out. City and country folk have symbiotic relationship, not a CiTy FoLK wOuLd DiE without rural folk.


cjpowers70 t1_j2sy6ip wrote

I would be willing to bet a lot money I’m much better educated than you. You can say I’m gaslighting you all you want but can’t refute the points I’m making. If they’re so bad, it should be easy. That’s how I feel about your arguments at least.

You’re right about the symbiosis, it’s just that only one participant in the relationship is given credit.


Ex-Pat-Spaz t1_j2umqoj wrote

No, you are trying to troll me into a stupid argument with you. Guess what….you are not that slick nor bright enough to tempt me.

Your ignorance of basic civics is astounding, dragging the Jim Crow era into this, belies how much you do not understand how the government works.


cjpowers70 t1_j2w4z25 wrote

You continue with ad box attacks yet you can’t even engage with any substance. It sounds to me like I presented you with a conundrum in your perspective of democracy and you are having some kind of meltdown dealing with it. Have a good day man, I hope 2023 will be better than 2022 for you.


Ex-Pat-Spaz t1_j2wbem5 wrote

Hey Troll, you already got blown up in the first post by me and nothing more needs to be said. Accept it and move on. Rural folk have representation….and that’s the simple fact of it. Anything else is gibberish and ignorance. Learn how the government works….come back when you do.

What you want is MORE representation than the rest of us. Our government doesn’t work that way. See game over, insert quarter and try again.

PS it’s “ad hoc” not box. Another phrase you do not understand


GWS2004 t1_j2suil0 wrote

Dude, are you one of those white dudes that thinks he's discriminated against?


gerkin123 t1_j2tsh2r wrote

Civil rights decisions, like those leading to the end of Jim Crow laws, are a justification for the Judicial Branch. Their institution is not a justification to reconstitute representative power.

Believing majority power matters in the distribution of funding doesn't make one prejudicial, and hitching rural MA to the plight of people living in the Jim Crow south is plain gross.


cjpowers70 t1_j2w5x4i wrote

Drawing a parallel to exemplify the consequences of democracy may have been an uncomfortable realization, but it’s not “gross”.

Obviously I understand how separation of powers work, that is mot the topic of conversation. Nice straw man though.