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Mediocre_Coconut_628 t1_j6om57k wrote

So I am a water treatment operator somewhere in Massachusetts (not going to disclose where for obvious reasons) and we aren’t able to strike at all. In fact any shutdown or wildcat strikes constitute not only termination but criminal charges.

It’s a crappy catch 22 to be in, being underpaid and undervalued and not having any actual resources to protest. Our union is a joke because what actual leverage do they have? Our negotiations typically go something like this

Union: ”we feel out members need a 9% raise to meet cost of living increases and to make sure we can attract qualified applicants”

Company: “ best I can do is 2%”

Union: grumbles “ok fine I guess”


CompasslessPigeon t1_j6otiri wrote

Yep. Paramedic in the same boat.

“We can’t survive on 2%. Losing good medics to other areas with better pay and cost of living, dedicated employees can’t afford the increases we have seen in rent”-union

“Too bad. You get 2% a year for the next 3. Too bad that inflation was 12% and we had record profits. We want even more record profits” -management