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99BottlesOfBass t1_j6cuyfz wrote

I'm totally in support of stricter gun laws, but right now what you're saying simply isn't true. I have a MA LTC but not an FFL and it's perfectly legal for my to transport, or even carry on my person, my personal handgun(s) to/in other states. Not all other states; CT for example is very strict about non-residents carrying guns. Whereas NH or VT (I believe) it would be perfectly fine to go up for a range day with a buddy.

It's pretty popular for people in MA to also get a Utah gun license, because something like 35 states will recognize your right to carry a gun as long as you're licensed in both of those states. I personally don't carry my gun very often outside of going to the range so I don't have a Utah license, but when I took my LTC course the instructor made it a point to mention that was an option.


-Horatio_Alger_Jr- t1_j6d9dpf wrote

>I'm totally in support of stricter gun laws, but right now what you're saying simply isn't true.

What I am saying is 100% true.

>I have a MA LTC but not an FFL and it's perfectly legal for my to transport, or even carry on my person, my personal handgun(s) to/in other states. Not all other states; CT for example is very strict about non-residents carrying guns. Whereas NH or VT (I believe) it would be perfectly fine to go up for a range day with a buddy.

Yes, states that have constitutional carry or recognize MA LTC, you can possess your forearms in that state. You can CCW in a constitutional carry state.

You can not however, purchase or a handgun in another state and bring it back to your sate. You can not transfer a handgun and bring it back to your state. That is all illegal at a federal level. It must go through an FFL.

MA does not recognize any other state firearm license. A person from another state is not allow to carry a firearm in this state unless they possess a non-resident license.

The person I responded to stated that 90% of all firearm involved in a shooting came from a different state. This situation is highly regulated at the Federal level and the state level. The only way OP's statement is true is if those handguns went through a MA FFL.

If those handguns did not go through a FFL, the gun laws did not work.