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Justinontheinternet t1_j6f6gbm wrote

Australia is literally the size of 25 million people where as in California there are 39 million people… see how that doesn’t compare country vs country? Just last Month buddy Dude when on a 6hour rampage and no one could stop him Because no one had guns.

Also this happened a hostage situation at a coffee shoop.

I’m here to point out to you that if this gun ban worked these tragedies would not have happened in Australia. If the strict gun laws were more lac innocent people would have had a fighting chance. Ala

Just think about this the next time a talking head wants you to give up your rights for the sake of “public safety”. Think lockdowns eviction moratorium you know “safety”.


NabNausicaan t1_j6f9fen wrote

In the first paragraph you said we can't compare the USA to Australia, then you went on to compare them in the following paragraphs.

The gun homicide rate per 100,000 residents (that's adjusted for the population difference) is over ten times greater in the United States. Looking at raw numbers, we have 330 million people and 38,390 deaths by firearm, of which 24,432 were by suicide. Australia has 26 million people, and had 229 gun deaths in 2019. Their gun deaths have continued to drop ever since the laws changed.


Justinontheinternet t1_j6fcqzt wrote

You misunderstand 25 million is a much smaller number than 350 million. The sample size is not the same Which is why the population can’t be compared.

If your sentiment about Australia were true , I wouldn’t have any examples to cite, I just gave you multiple examples. Which immediately disproves your theory that a nationwide gun ban would eliminate gun violence as again. Again, I just provided examples not sure what more is needed. Oh yeah the gun laws you justify have enabled this tragedy to happen. Other more free states this is what happens when a shooter enters the mall.

Different law different outcomes. Seems like you prefer the shootings in which innocents are robbed of their 2a and thus killed because of it.

Would you trade away your 1st amendment so people didn’t get hurt by words anymore? Because that’s what you’re doing with your 2nd amendment. You’re likely a gun owner for the need for protection. If the government was doing a good job protecting you already (ala the laws you’re trying to justify) you wouldn’t need a gun nor would we be having this conversation as this shooting would not have happened according to your logic.

Also you have a gun in your house how is that everyone in your house isn’t dead? Especially if guns are so dangerous that you actively choose to own them?

You gotta show me these olympic level mental gymnastics I’m impressed.