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t1_j3njoek wrote

It blows my mind that there are people on this sub that have argued that safety inspections, something empirically proved to make driving safer, don't need to exist.


t1_j3ql356 wrote

As if the morning rush of over-caffinated SUV tailgaters in this state doesn't completely negate the miniscule safety levels that may or may not result from the inspection hassle.


t1_j3qmd2y wrote



t1_j3qn2l8 wrote

So you feel safe doing 85 with all the angry SUV drivers, but a Honda Civic with a bad airbag freaks you the fuck out. OK


t1_j3qnq7i wrote

You changed your comment. Anyway, read the work of Luis Reyes on the subject. He does a lot of causal studies related to traffic safety.

>So you feel safe doing 85 with all the angry SUV drivers, but a Honda Civic with a bad airbag freaks you the fuck out. OK

No. Dont put words in peoples mouth. Speeding is dangerous, deadly, and stupid. But, the data shows that safety inspections lower crash rates and fatalities. So regardless of how stupid people drive, it helps.


t1_j3qr5sa wrote

The "help"-to-hassle ratio does not help poor people who get harassed by police for failing inspection for oh, say, a check engine light, faulty airbag or a little rot on the wheel well. POC especially suffer from this. Cops scan your plate and see that the vehicle has "failed" and oh- wait....first name D'shawn? Bingo! Instant license to intimidate. But hey, if it keeps us "safe" enough to get killed by a stressed-out SUV mom who's been running on Dunkin on her way to her nursing gig, or an impatient Ford F350-driving roofing contractor, that's all that matters. It's a Yuppie's world ..


t1_j3qswmp wrote

I don't a give a fuck about what you are talking about. I research transportation safety. Inspections save lives. Get the fuck over it.

You don't have a right to drive. Pass the inspection or get the fuck off the road.