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Wentailang t1_j5u05s4 wrote

My opinion is that it’s FINE. Just fine. It’s bold, it’s deep, but it’s not really a looker. I don’t get all the strong opinions surrounding it.


wwoliver04 t1_j5u4lvj wrote

I don’t hate it, but I don’t see how this was the best option. Sure the other ones would’ve taken up more space but at least they were visually appealing


reddotster t1_j5u65qz wrote

I’m also neutral. It does look like a dong from some angles, so the unintentional humor factor is high, but I’m not angry at it.


Coggs362 t1_j5ug5l2 wrote

The absence of their heads really alters it so far beyond any appreciation for me that it renders the whole exercise as an incomprehensible waste.

Would it have been so hard to reduce its size by 25% if it meant including Dr. King and his wife?


Metroskater t1_j5uhqqa wrote

I need an option for ‘saw it in person-it’s fine’


OandKrailroad t1_j5ul8ol wrote

For what it cost, there must have been a dozen options to honor the Kings that would have been better.


youarelookingatthis t1_j5ulosz wrote

I saw it in person and like it. I do agree that I think if you included their faces 99% of the criticism wouldn't exist. I like that it A.) includes Coretta, B.) is larger than life, and C.) allows you to walk underneath it so you can be in the middle of the embrace.


Archj52 t1_j5un457 wrote

The photograph itself is iconic and powerful. I have absolutely ZERO artistic / architectural background yet I may have looked at the 3D rendering and may have come to the conclusion that.... ya, the layman looking at this is going to have absolutely no clue what they're looking at.


Dajoey120 t1_j5up6i1 wrote

Didn’t like it and saw it in person.

I tried to keep a neutral mentality. Maybe the internet spoiled it for me.

There was this old lady in front of me with her husband and i could hear her say “it looks like a giant poop” i had to chuckle a little bit. GF who liked it wasn’t happy that i was laughing but yeah


ABKzay t1_j5upyle wrote

This was my main gripe. We already have a lack of representation when it comes into black/African American people in American history. Now that we get a statue, it can’t even show faces? In 30 years, if it’s still up, how can anyone look at a picture of that statue and know it has anything to do with black love? I’m happy for the statue, and the symbolism, I just feel like it wasn’t done tastefully


MinneapolisKing25 t1_j5ut5p9 wrote

I will say, it’s 10,000x better when you see it in person. I was skeptical when I was told that, but it’s true. Still not perfect, but it is pretty sweet from ~70% viewing angles when you’re actually there. I also like how you can walk through it


Bootlicker222 t1_j5uwzks wrote

Good concept but the actual statue just isn't it lol


RagnarBaratheon1998 t1_j5v0b5v wrote

I’m neutral. It’s really the thought that counts. But man, the execution wasn’t great


MrShotgunxl t1_j5v107t wrote

Definitely a little bizarre to just have the arms, but I don’t really care about this kind of stuff. When I eventually see it in person, I’ll probably look at it and be like “wow that’s really big” and “I wonder what it’s made of”.

If I didn’t see the news about it I wouldn’t know wtf the context was and would just think it’s made to represent love. My mom went to Nashville last summer and there’s an art site there that’s a bunch of sticks meant to represent the native tribes of the area. She said it was anticlimactic and strange, which is probably how visitors will see this art piece/sculpture - Idek what the right name for this is.


5teerPike t1_j5v46kc wrote

The artist also said it could represent an embrace that is important to the individual, it's left vague on purpose. Albeit the "I hate modern art and that opinion should be a fact" crowd, seething relentlessly over a public project they paid 0% attention to until now, have made who these figures are known enough that it's not vague anymore.


not_a_dr_ t1_j5v4sam wrote

Put me in the waiting to pass judgement until I see it in person camp.


Themalster t1_j5v6zk4 wrote

It’s the lack of either a head and shoulder span or a torso. Maybe it will grow on me.


antonio-bolonio t1_j5v9ncq wrote

I remember seeing the concept for it before they built it and I thought it looked strange, but I understood the message and the meaning.

I have seen it a few times in person, and sure from the right angle it’s fine, but there are so many angles to see this gigantic statue that make it look silly or inappropriate.

My biggest complaint is the money spent on something to honor such amazing people feels pretty wasted, especially in a city that could have better used that to help underprivileged people.


PlatinumFallsScorpio t1_j5v9olo wrote

I’m not sure why it’s beheaded. I could get downvoted for this but my opinion is that they could design something else other than that looking 💩


pville64 t1_j5vfkd0 wrote

A more traditional memorial would have been a far better option for the historic Boston Common

Better suited for a modern art display, somewhere else….where interpretation is much more appreciated

Why knowingly open yourself up to this attention.. ..they had to have known what is looked like….yet the emperor has no clothes….and no one wanted to be the one to criticize the artist for fear of being labeled 😱

Sad commentary on several levels


UsernameTaken93456 t1_j5vhytf wrote

Leslie Jordan made it perfectly clear that my voice is not needed here.


bitspace t1_j5vi99b wrote

A fifth option: "I haven't seen it in person, am withholding judgement until I do"


scarlet_fire_77 t1_j5vo0x0 wrote

I’m a white person so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut on this one


exitzero t1_j5vpwl4 wrote

I find it unsettling. Like somethings not quite right about it.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_j5vs391 wrote

There's no option for "I don't really have an opinion."


debinthecove t1_j5vtlmm wrote

  • withholding judgement until I see it in person

UsedCollection5830 t1_j5vvkd9 wrote

Dr king looked at it from heaven shaked his head in disgust and ask for a shot of henny from heavens bar


adieumarlene t1_j5vxvmk wrote

I agree that lack of representation is an issue and understand the point you’re making - but I think it’s made more complicated by the fact that Black artists are also vastly underrepresented in public art, and this is the work of a contemporary Black artist. I don’t think one issue negates or cancels out the other, it just feels complex.


ABKzay t1_j5vzr2j wrote

It’s very complex, especially as we are talking about a subject is nothing but opinions and interpretations. But I couldn’t agree more. I’m happy that black artists are producing more black art for us to experience, I just feel like the statue turned out how it did (headless) because it’s black and that’s why my complaint is what it is


seasonalscholar t1_j5wvk2v wrote

Didn’t like it at all and saw it in person. The message was completely lost. And the fact that it was $10MM makes me like it even less.


Sayoria t1_j5ymcd5 wrote

It's eh.

I went and saw it in person and before I got close enough, the music video for DyE's 'Fantasy' rushed to my head.

......That is a massively bad sign if that came out of nowhere to me like that.


SmuglySly t1_j6d4wy9 wrote

Where is the totally indifferent and don’t give a fuck option?