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ExpatPhD t1_j4pwrug wrote

A lot of the snow in Colorado arrives in the morning and is gone by the afternoon (especially in Denver and Co Springs - high plains desert). I found Coloradans just as bad and aggressive as Massholes on the roads - snow or not - and moreso when I still had Mass plates.


InjectCreatine t1_j4rv8o3 wrote

I live in the springs, grew up in MA. Driving in MA is a calculated madness. In Colorado people simply don't know how to drive. Yesterday I saw someone come to a completely dead stop in a rotary in order to let someone merge in.


ExpatPhD t1_j4s01oj wrote

Admittedly Colorado was the first place that I've ever seen people drive around with just plain coffee mugs filled with boiling hot coffee. No travel mugs. Just... Mugs.