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darksideofthemoon131 t1_j4q08yh wrote

If I'm driving the speed limit in the center or right lane during a snowstorm and that's not fast enough, that's a you problem. I fully admit to going 75 when it's nice out and the roads are clear- but during a storm it's not happening.

I took rte 9 for the sole purpose of the slower speed limits. I stayed in the right lane the whole way, drove the speed and kept a distance between myself and others. Started slowing down before stop lights to not slide into others- how am I in the wrong? Just pass me in other lane, I'm not gonna be moving out of the way cuz you're in a rush. I'm at work now. I don't start for another 45 minutes- why? Cuz I like to leave early and avoid traffic and not get into a road rage because I didn't plan my day right.

When you do shit like that- you're an asshole. Aggressive driving serves no purpose but fueling road rage and accidents. Both of which contribute to the exorbitant insurance rates we pay in this state.