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t1_j6k54ah wrote

Article According to this report she was in an intensive 5 day a week program for PPD. The father worked from home to help support her. It just wasn't enough.


t1_j6l0cle wrote

Not just PPD, but likely PP psychosis, the most severe form of postpartum mood disorders.


t1_j6l1vem wrote

This. She wasn’t herself… when she does wake up and come back to herself, she’s going to be an an entirely different kind of hell. PPP is a super serious condition and doesn’t get enough attention. We need to do better. Being a mom for little kids close to the same age, along with coming out of working at a hospital during a global pandemic could break anyone… my heart bleeds for everyone involved…


t1_j6koy90 wrote

That is so sad. I feel bad for her, the kids, and the husband. PPD can be horrible for some women.


t1_j6mjw55 wrote

He just HAD to go out for food and leave her alone.


t1_j6ks6gs wrote

That's some seriously dark stuff. You hear about animals doing this in the wild, sacrificing the weaker child to neglect to ensure the stronger child or the mother lives. There should be no reason for this in a first world country. If we need to address a potential homicide risk in recent mothers that's maybe something to look into.
