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SchatzMoney t1_j4rhqs4 wrote


ghostlypyres t1_j4ridwn wrote

Hey there, thanks for the suggestion. The thing is, the website requires a mailing address at the very least, and we don't have one in Mass until after we move, obviously. I called them on the phone, and they were entirely unwilling to provide any information until I move and apply for something.

Moreover, they only do EPOs and not PPOs or even HMOs... That's not ideal, to say the least.


Long_Ad_5182 t1_j4ro6a3 wrote

To answer your first question, no there is no option like that in MA. You cannot view what you're qualified for before MA health connector approves you.


ghostlypyres t1_j4roz9w wrote

Alright, I suppose that makes sense. Thank you for the reply


SchatzMoney t1_j4rj1b8 wrote

Home address or mailing address (if applicable) for everyone in your household who needs insurance, unless they are homeless.


ghostlypyres t1_j4rj9yt wrote

Yes, exactly. But we are moving in spring, not now. We don't have an address. And again, that site is only for EPOs. Is there nothing else? We'd like to know what our options are before we move and have to scramble to find something.


ananas33333 OP t1_j4rijip wrote

it redirects me to something calles Cigna Global, is that what you meant to recommend?


SchatzMoney t1_j4x2yk4 wrote

no it should link you directly to the MA site, just checked and it did indeed work.