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the_sky_god15 t1_j66y3x5 wrote

So obviously the organs thing is a bad idea, but is there any downside to donating bone marrow? My understanding was it regenerates.


Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_j672k5z wrote

Trade in human tissues is the same regardless of the tissue. It's creating an incentive to undertake a risky medical procedure under the duress of incarceration.


Paul6334 t1_j670coo wrote

The downside is what this incentivizes.


paganlobster t1_j6743c8 wrote

Well, think about what’s involved in actually obtaining bone marrow…


DymonBak t1_j68u8b7 wrote

Unless the recipient is a very young child, my understanding is that the procedure itself isn’t bad. The prep can suck because you have to be sick though.


Crop64 t1_j682zkc wrote

Besides the ethical issues, there's risk of infection and pain (can be persistent and long lasting) with bone marrow harvesting...probably even more risks.

(I had bone marrow harvested before).


GrippingHand t1_j68czss wrote

Health care in prisons is notoriously bad. We should avoid doing anything to prisoners that increases their risk of infection.


emptytheprisons t1_j68tj0j wrote

Exactly, post-op care in prisons is incredibly neglectful and cruel.


BlaineTog t1_j68ilqt wrote

Imagine you're identified as having a rare kind of bone marrow. Now imagine that a shady hospital communicates this to a shady detective and a shady DA on their take.